ESL 6B 導師周敦榆 Ms. Ashley Chou 學 經 歷
  • The University of Bridgeport-Master of Elementary School Teachings and Methods
  • 2017~now 華盛頓雙語小學ESL導師
  1. 109學年度專業成長獎
  2. 108學年度指導欣榮圖書館英文比賽個人組亞軍
  3. 108學年度閱讀推動獎
  4. 108學年度班級經營獎
  5. 108學年度成果發表指導獎
教學理念 I believe that every student has individual needs, as teachers, to fulfill those needs. I want to set my students up for success and that means they need to be motivated. Students are motivated when they feel encouraged and they can comprehend the content. So I believe a classroom should be structured and organized. I believe how you get to an answer is more important than what answer you got. I believe students should engage in a variety of multi-sensory activities because it is more enjoyable for the students and it gives them a better understanding of the topic. 聯絡信箱
ESL 6C 導師侯虹廷 Ms. Aleisha Hou 學 經 歷
  • 文藻外語大學外語教學系
  • 108-至今 華盛頓雙語小學ESL教師
  • 107-108曼谷Nihao Academy
  1. 108/109學年度電訪落實優良獎
  2. 108/109學年度閱讀推動獎
教學理念The more you learn, the more you want to learn. 聯絡信箱
ESL 6D 導師鄒沛暄 Ms. Peishy Tsou 學 經 歷
  • 元智大學 應用外語學系
  • 華盛頓雙語小學 ESL導師
  • 美語補習班 ESL教師
  • 全民英檢教學
  1. 教室情境布置優良
教學理念Be bold to try. Be brave to face. Be tough to fall. Be resilient to change. 聯絡信箱
ESL 6E 導師劉孜文 Ms. Tecla Liu 學 經 歷
  • Florida International University
  • Washington Bilingual Elementary School 2001 ~ Now
  1. 指導學生參加欣榮圖書館109年及110年英文能力比賽亞軍
  2. 109學年落實班級輔導優異獎
  3. 107 108 109學年閱讀推動獎
  4. 106 108 109學年優質教學獎
  5. 指導學生參加107學年度華盛頓盃英語演講比賽優勝
教學理念It’s important for students to gain knowledge but more importantly, how to use their knowledge. I hope to teach all my students to become thinkers and problem solvers. 聯絡信箱
ESL 6F 導師賴姵蓉 Ms. Irene Lai 學 經 歷
  • 文藻外語大學外語教學系
  • 百瀚外語英語教師
  • 愛國國民小學實習教師
  • 華盛頓國民小學ESL導師
  1. 指導學生參加劍橋英檢考試通過Movers, Flyers, KET, PET 等級數
  2. 指導學生參加華盛頓盃演講比賽
  3. 110 教學公開課優質獎
  4. 109 班級經營獎
  5. 108 閱讀推動獎
教學理念Everyone has endless potential. 聯絡信箱
ESL 6G 導師黃曉婷 Ms. Roxanne Huang 學 經 歷
  • 國立雲林科技大學應用外語系碩士
  • 私立中、小學英語教師
  1. 109學年度指導學生參加南投縣英語文競賽國小說故事組第三名
教學理念Learning to know Learning to do Learning to live together Learning to be Learning to change 聯絡信箱