ESL 5A 導師鄧淑紋 Ms. Sundra Teng 學 經 歷
  • Bachelor of Business – International Business & Marketing, Queensland University of Technology
  • Washington Bilingual Elementary School – Teacher 4 years
  • Washington American Language School – Section Chief of Curriculum 4 years
  • Washington American Language School – ESL Teacher 8 years
  1. 109 學年 班級輔導優異奬
  2. 109 學年 教學情境佈置奬
  3. 109 學年班級輔導優異奬、教學情境佈置奬
  4. 108 學年專業成長奬、班級經營奬
  5. 107 學年優質教學奬、數位科技融入教學奬
  6. 105 學年指導學生參加華盛頓盃中年級組英文演講比賽,榮獲第二名
教學理念I aim to bring an open mind, a positive attitude, and high expectations to the classroom each day. I create classrooms that empower students to make decisions for themselves so that they develop self-confidence and thinking skills. 聯絡信箱
ESL 5B 導師羅琇霞 Ms. Jill Lo 學 經 歷
  • 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系
  • 華盛頓小學107~111學年ESL老師四年
  • 華盛頓小學104~107學年英文部行政老師三年 (依序為課務組組長,活動組組長和教學組組長)
  1. 華盛頓小學109學年第二學期英文部優質教學獎
  2. 華盛頓小學109學年第二學期英文部班級經營獎
  3. 華盛頓小學109學年第一學期英文演講決賽優勝獎 (指導學生參加華盛頓盃比賽)
  4. 華盛頓小學104~106學年英文校隊培訓行政指導老師
  5. 華盛頓小學106學年英文部行政效能獎
教學理念My philosophy of education is that all children are unique and must have a stimulating educational environment where they can grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. It is my desire to create this type of atmosphere where students can meet their full potential. I will provide a safe environment where students are invited to share their ideas and take risks. 聯絡信箱
ESL 5D 導師盧姵霖 Ms. Shirley Lu 學 經 歷
  • Chung Jung University- information management
  • Washington Elementary School ESL teacher
  • Josephine American School
  • Joy American School
  • Sunny American School
  1. 110學年指導學生英文演講比賽,榮獲全校中年級組第二名
  2. 108-109學年連續二年power閱讀推動獎
  3. 108學年英語歌謠比賽最佳台風獎
  4. 107學年英語歌謠比賽最佳創意獎
  5. 106學年英語歌謠比賽最佳氣勢獎
教學理念Cultivate empathy in children and let them learn to respect themselves and others. Consider the individual differences of students, provide educational contexts that are suitable for their developmental stages, and encourage students to learn independently. 聯絡信箱
ESL 5F 導師陳亭攸 Ms. Yoyo Chen 學 經 歷
  • 文藻外語大學外語教學系
  • 華盛頓雙語小學105年至今
  • 台中市立何厝國民小學一年
  1. 指導學生參加劍橋英檢考試通過Starters、Movers、Flyers、KET&PET 等級數
  2. 107學年指導學生參加台中市英語說故事比賽,榮獲第一名
  3. 107學年指導學生參加台中市英語讀者劇場比賽,榮獲第一名
教學理念Each student brings their own particular brand of genius. 聯絡信箱
ESL 5G 導師黃郁婷 Ms. Tiffany Huang 學 經 歷
  • 文藻外語大學外語教學系
  • 高雄市龍目國小實習教師
  • 宇部市立川上小學校實習教師
  • 宇部工業高等專門學校實習教師
  • 華盛頓ESL教師
教學理念Every classroom has its own unique community; my role as the teacher will be to assist each child in developing their own potential and learning styles. 聯絡信箱
ESL 5H 導師許惠茹 Ms. Carolyn Hsu 學 經 歷
  • Providence University
  • Washington Elementary School ESL teacher 2013-now
  • Washington ESL program Taichung ESL teacher 2001-2012
  • Washington Kindergarten Taichung Homeroom teacher 1999-2001
  1. 109學年 協同教學獎 優質教學獎 落實班級輔導獎
  2. 108學年 閱讀推動獎 協同教學獎 優質教學獎 數位科技融入教學獎 教學公開課優質獎
  3. 107學年 教學公開課優異獎 協同教學獎
  4. 106學年 教學公開課優異獎
  5. 105學年 教學情境布置獎 華盛頓盃讀者劇場比賽高年級組第二名
教學理念Go Over, Go Under, Go Around, or Go Through, but Never Give Up. 聯絡信箱
ESL 5J 導師何菁惠 Ms. Lillian Ho 學 經 歷
  • Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics University of Birmingham English Language Department
  • ESL teacher in Washington Bilingual Elementary School(12 years)
  • Administrator of English Teacher in Washington Bilingual Elementary School(4.5 years)
  • Supervisor in Washington America School ESL Programme (4 years)
  • Casual Teacher in Child-Care-Crew , Sydney Australia(1 year)
  • Teacher Assistant in Cathedral Grammar School, Christchurch New Zealand (6 months)
  1. 109學年度第一學期班級閱讀卓越獎
  2. 108學年度第一學期電訪落實獎
  3. 108學年度指導學生參加中年級組演講比賽,榮獲幼兒組前二名
  4. 107學年度第二學期優質教學獎
  5. 106學年度第二學期數位科技融入教學獎
教學理念“Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.” ― Dean Karnazes 聯絡信箱
ESL 5K 導師王暄貽 Ms. Shelly Wang 學 經 歷
  • 輔仁大學 法國語文學系
  • Live ABC南陽加盟校 英文部主任(2018~2019)
  • 華盛頓小學班導師 (2019-2022)
  1. 109學年 第二學期 電訪落實獎
  2. 109學年 第一學期 電訪落實獎
  3. 108學年 第二學期 協同教學獎
  4. 2019 Live All-Star 全明星教師賽優良教師
教學理念My philosophy of education is that all children are unique and must have a stimulating educational environment where they can grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. It is my desire to create this type of atmosphere where students can meet their full potential. I will provide a safe environment where students are invited to share their ideas and take risks. 聯絡信箱
ESL 5L 導師蕭美君 Ms. Maggie Hsiao 學 經 歷
  • University of Central Oklahoma – TESOL
  • Washington Bilingual Elementary School 華盛頓雙語小學
  • Natural Way (ESL) 道禾雙語學堂
  • Gram English 格蘭英語
  1. 109年 閱讀深耕
  2. 108年 閱讀推動
  3. 107年 閱讀推動
  4. 106年 數位科技教學
教學理念Educating both mind and hearts! 聯絡信箱